Transportören helps you with transport and logistics of goods to all parts of Russia. We ship to and from Russia with all types of piece goods, pallets, partial goods, containers, full loads and ADR goods.
Through our knowledge and many collaborations with local distributors, we are specialists in transport to and from Russia and offer transport to all regions of the country. We lower costs for you and offer competitive prices in the transport sector.
We help you with most things in transport/logistics from all European countries to and from Russia.
Russia, formally the Russian Federation, has 142 million inhabitants. The capital of the country is Moscow and 12 million people live there. Two other important cities in the country are Saint Petersburg and Novosibirsk. Saint Petersburg is the second largest city in the country, has a total of five railway stations in different directions and is an important starting point for both travelers and freight. Novosibirsk has an airport for scheduled flights, tours within Europe and to Asia. Russia is on the surface the world's largest country located in both Europe and Asia. The economy in Russia is largely based on the export of various goods such as oil and gas.
For more information, we recommend Business Sweden:
Offer for transport to Russia
Fill in our "Become a Customer" form at the bottom of the page or call us on 031-705 07 70. If you want transport to another destination, we will of course arrange it.